Miriam Sorace

Political Science



I am currently an Associate Professor in Comparative Politics at the University of Reading and PI of the UKRI-funded project "DIVIDED: Inequality & Polarization Prevention". I am a Visiting Researcher at the University of Oxford (DPIR), and a Senior Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics (Data Science Institute). 

Previously, I was an LSE Fellow at the European Institute of the London School of Economics and held Assistant Professorship positions at Swansea University, at the University of Kent and at Royal Holloway, University of London. I worked as a Political Data Scientist at UK Labour Party HQ and advised the Data, Strategy and Elections teams as part of GE24 work. I hold a PhD in Political Science from Trinity College Dublin, and I am a HEA Fellow.

I specialise in electoral behaviour and public opinion analysis, with a focus on European (incl. British) and European Union politics. I use quantitative research methods in my research, particularly machine learning and in causal inference methods, with a focus on survey experiments. 


Research Interests

My research blends political science and social psychology and it focuses on investigating factors conducive to democratic control, conceptualised as both accountability and political representation. The central aim of my research is to investigate factors that strengthen representative democracy - both at the domestic and supranational levels. I aim to investigate interventions that (a) enhance political information processing and accountability-inducing behaviours; (b) enhance the representation of citizens' preferences in policy-making.

Research Projects

I am working on 5 main research areas:

Motivated Reasoning,  Information Processing & Accountability

My projects on this topic investigate heuristics and biases in voters, retrospective voting, and the conditions under which voters can hold political agents to account. My published and working papers on this area also explore the causes and consequences of motivated reasoning and selective exposure and processing of information, borrowing from social and cognitive psychology. I am currently PI on a multi-year UKRI-funded project (DIVIDED) on political polarization and economic inequality that focuses on the cognitive microfoundations of the inequality-polarization link.


Persuasion & Message Testing

My projects on this topic investigate the role of messages and information in attitude change, and the moderating role of social networks, sender and message characteristics for successful persuasion. In my work for the UK Labour Party HQ, I led the quantitative message testing research programme for the Strategy and Elections teams.


Political Representation: Causes and Consequences of Legislative and Policy Responsiveness

My projects on this topic investigate the link between legislative activity and/or policy and public opinion and the conditions under which politicians respond to public attitudes. My published and working papers on this area also explore the consequences of representation failures for legitimacy and democratic norms.


Supranational Democracy

The European Union is now closer to a political system than to traditional IOs. My published and working papers evaluate whether EU's decision making and legislative activities conform to expectations from advanced democracies. This line of my research also looks into attitudes towards supranational politics in European public opinion.


Gendered Political Behaviour

I am currently working on a working paper on the descriptive substantive link and whether the impact of the descriptive representation of women on substantive legislative activities/policies is contextual or unchanging. This has important implications for our understanding of the socio-psychological roots of gendered behaviour. I am furthermore interested in gender stereotypes and in the issue of gender bias and gender differences in voting behaviour and in political engagement.


Listed below are the university courses I have taught so far, with links to course materials for the courses I delivered as a sole convener:



  • 2022-2023: Government, Politics and Public Policy in the European Union
  • 2020-2022: Making Sense of Politics
  • 2017-2018: People, Politics and Institutions in Europe (Seminar Leader)
  • 2016-2017: Politics and the People
  • 2016-2017: The State and Political Institutions
  • 2016-2017: Researching Politics: Political Representation
  • 2016-2017: Parliamentary Studies
  • 2016-2017: Introduction to Politics and IR
  • 2015-2016: European Union Politics
  • 2015-2016: Research Methods for Political Science (TA)
  • 2013-2015: Comparative Politics (TA)
  • 2012-2013: Introduction to Political Science (TA)

Public Engagement

Policy Reports

Media/Public Talks

Blog Posts